The 6 common habits that make anxiety worse

1. Worrying about things you can't control

One of the most common habits that make anxiety worse is worrying about things that you can't control. This might include worrying about the future, what other people think of you, or global events. While it's important to be informed and take action where you can, worrying about things that are out of your control will only make your anxiety worse.

2. Catastrophizing

Catastrophizing is another common habit that makes anxiety worse. This is when you assume that the worst case scenario will happen, even if there is no evidence to support this. For example, if you're worried about a presentation at work, you might catastrophize and assume that you will bomb it and be laughed at by your colleagues. This kind of thinking creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, as your anxiety will likely increase, leading to a worse performance.

3. Avoiding anxiety-provoking situations

Another habit that makes anxiety worse is avoiding situations that make you anxious. While it may seem like a good idea to avoid things that make you anxious, this actually reinforces your fear and can make your anxiety worse in the long run. If you're afraid of flying, for example, avoiding flying will only make your fear worse. It's important to face your fears and learn that they are not as dangerous as you think they are.

4. Ruminating

Ruminating is another habit that makes anxiety worse. This is when you obsessively focus on your worries and try to solve them by thinking about them over and over again. This can lead to increased anxiety as well as depression. If you find yourself ruminating, it's important to find a way to distract yourself and focus on something else.

5. Perfectionism

This is when you have unrealistic standards for yourself and others and feel like anything less than perfect is a failure. This can lead to excessive stress and anxiety as you strive for an impossible standard. It's important to remember that nobody is perfect and that mistakes are part of life.

6. Using alcohol or drugs to cope

Using alcohol or drugs to cope with anxiety is another common habit that makes it worse. While it may seem like drinking or using drugs will help to relieve your anxiety, this is only temporary and can actually lead to increased anxiety in the long run.

What practices do you have in place to make anxiety better? We recommend booking a coaching session so you can co-create a plan decrease stress and increase joy.


The effects of daily mindfulness practices on stress and anxiety. A case study.


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