The (not so) Surprising Effects EFT Tapping Has on the Brain

As a recovering workaholic, I thought stress gave me a leg up. It fueled my inner critic that told me to keep going and crush any competition. Yuck!

That's not who I want to be!

I discovered EFT Tapping in 2020 when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, which not only allowed me to rewire my brain for success but also opened up a world of calm, focus, and fun.

You may be wondering what EFT Tapping is and how this magic trick works.

Buckle up, ladies!

We’re about to delve into the exciting world of EFT Tapping and the extraordinary effects it has on the brain.

What is EFT Tapping, and Why Should You Care?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), or simply *tapping*, is a science-backed method that combines elements of acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, and energy psychology. The process involves tapping on specific acupressure points to target the brain’s fight or flight response, thus reducing anxiety and stress. It's like a mental massage for your brain!

Why EFT Tapping Works

Our brain's amygdala, known as the "security guard" of our emotional reactions, activates our fight or flight response when we're faced with stressful situations. This hormonal outburst can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds. EFT Tapping provides a way for our brains to think logically again by disrupting the signals that activate the amygdala.

EFT Tapping has been shown to be effective in a number of scientific studies. The research has found that EFT significantly reduces cortisol (the stress hormone) levels in the body, resulting in an increased sense of calm and well-being.

Simple EFT Tapping Techniques You Can Implement Today

Ready to try EFT Tapping for yourself? Grab that courageous spirit, and let's give it a whirl. Here's a simple tapping sequence you can practice daily:

1. **Identify the stress**: Pinpoint what's causing you anxiety at the moment. Get specific with your thoughts and emotions.

2. **Rate the intensity**: On a scale of 0 to 10, rate the intensity of your stress. This will help you track your progress.

3. **Craft a tapping statement**: Create an affirmation that acknowledges the stress and includes an element of self-acceptance. For instance, "Even though I'm stressed about my upcoming presentation, I love and accept myself."

4. **Begin tapping**: Start by tapping on the side of your hand (karate chop point) while repeating your affirmation three times. Then, tap on the following points, in order, while repeating your affirmation or a shortened version of it:

- Eyebrow

- Side of the eye

- Under the eye

- Under the nose

- Chin

- Collarbone

- Under the arm

- Top of the head

5. **Breathe and assess**: Take a couple of deep breaths, then rate the intensity of your stress on the 0 to 10 scale again. If necessary, repeat the process until your stress levels decrease.

EFT Tapping can have a profound impact on your life by reducing your stress levels, allowing you to crush your goals, make plans for the future, and truly enjoy your life.

If you want to be led through EFT Tapping every single month live, Check out That Tapping Society, our Group Coaching with EFT! It is just $29, and the next session starts soon!


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