Our Blog

Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

Tapping into Tranquility

In the dynamic landscape of mental health and well-being, finding effective and efficient tools to alleviate anxiety is crucial. Enter Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping, a powerful and rapidly growing approach that has gained popularity for its ability to provide quick relief from anxiety and stress. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why I, as a therapist, choose EFT tapping to help clients reduce anxiety swiftly and facilitate their journey toward emotional well-being.

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

If I Could Have Any Superpower, It Would Be Boundless Energy!

As a busy, high-achieving woman, have you ever wished for more energy to get through your to-do list? Do you find yourself dragging your feet by midday or coffee-jittered by early evening? Well, if I could have any superpower, it would definitely be boundless energy! Imagine being able to power through your workday, go for a run, cook dinner, and still have the stamina to hang out with friends or pursue a hobby all with the same level of enthusiasm and vigor. But what other superpowers are worth considering? Let's explore some options.

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

It's Not Woo-Woo; It's Science: The Hilarious Truth Behind EFT

Hey there, busy working moms and women! Do you ever find yourself feeling like a hot mess, emotionally speaking? Of course, you do! (Who doesn't? Don't hold it in, Karen.) But today, let's discuss a magical solution called EFT, or the Emotional Freedom Technique. Now, before you roll your eyes and think, "Great, another woo-woo pseudoscience crap!" - hear me out because I'm going to show you that there's actual science behind this seemingly kooky method, alongside some too-good-to-be-true success stories.

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

The (not so) Surprising Effects EFT Tapping Has on the Brain

As a recovering workaholic, I thought stress gave me a leg up. It fueled my inner critic that told me to keep going and crush any competition. Yuck! That's not who I want to be! Instead, I discovered EFT Tapping, which not only allowed me to rewire my brain for success, but also opened up a world of calm, focus, and fun. You may be wondering what EFT Tapping is and how this magic trick works. Buckle up, ladies! We’re about to delve into the exciting world of EFT Tapping, and the extraordinary effects it has on the brain.

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

Tap Your Way to a More Present Life

Have you ever felt like the days are just flying by? You’re running from one task to the next, feeling overwhelmed and exhausted yet stuck in an endless loop of stress and anxiety. If this sounds familiar, you may learn Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping. It can help you break free from the cycle of stress and be more present in your life. Read the blog to learn more.

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

Tap in your Full Potential

Become an Expert in the Emotional Freedom Technique by Tomorrow.

By the end of this short course, you'll understand the fundamentals of EFT Tapping and know exactly how to practice it.

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

The Pomodoro Method: A Saucy Way to Increase Productivity!

Have you ever wished there was a foolproof way to complete more in less time? Well, there just might be! It’s called the Pomodoro method, and it’s gaining popularity as a simple and fun way to increase productivity. But what exactly is the Pomodoro method? Read on to find out!

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

Tapping | The Deep Center Way

If you're looking for a way to reduce stress, and anxiety, and increase joy, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is worth a try. Also known as "tapping," EFT is a simple yet effective method that can be done anywhere, anytime.

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Word on the street

  • “Kendall was absolutely amazing. She held my progress with such warm regard, and challenged me in such a warm and welcoming way. I truly enjoyed working with her!”

  • “Kendall was a wonderful coach. Her insights, feedback and help were exactly what I needed. She made me really think through how to address my issues, goals, vision and exactly what I wanted to achieve. I truly enjoyed having her as my coach!”

  • "I was nervous and excited to begin coaching. Kendall completely put me at ease. After working with her I feel empowered to create a life I am happy to live. I still use Tapping every morning!"