The Anxiety Coach's Monday Morning Routine.

The Anxiety Coach's Monday Morning Routine... Hey, that's me!

It’s the start of a new week, and you’re feeling anxious. You know you have to face the world but don’t know how. Don’t worry – your anxiety coach has got you covered!

Here’s what I do to get ready for Monday morning.

Step One: Wake Up Early

The first step is waking up early, preferably before the sun comes up. This gives me time to enjoy the peace and quiet of the morning before anyone else wakes up. It also sets a good pace for the rest of the day; getting an early start will help keep their minds focused and productive throughout the day.

Step Two: Breathe and Meditate

The second step is taking some time to breathe, tap, journal, meditate, and practice self-care. I know it is important to take some time to stay calm and relaxed throughout the day, so I make sure to spend at least 10 minutes practicing mindful breathing and meditation exercises each morning. This helps me clear my head and prepare for whatever challenges may come their way during the day ahead.

Step Three: Make a List

The third step is making a list of tasks or goals that need to be accomplished during that day or week. Making a list can help you stay organized and on task throughout the day; it also helps with prioritizing tasks so that I don't get overwhelmed or feel like they are not progressing towards my goals. Writing out these tasks can also provide a sense of accomplishment when they are completed!

Starting off on Monday can be difficult for anyone, especially if you have anxiety. But by following these steps—waking up early, engaging in self-care practices like meditation, and creating daily lists—your anxiety coach can start off their week with confidence and clarity while still taking care of themselves along the way! So go ahead - give it a try this Monday morning! You never know how much better it could make your whole week feel!

Drop in the comments if you are willing to try this tomorrow!

PS Need 1:1 help? Get a free session with Kendall.


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