Mindfulness meditation for breast cancer patients

When a person suffers from a disease like cancer, it destroys your physical health and your peace of mind. People use different techniques to cope with the situation. Mindfulness and relaxation are the techniques that are helpful for women suffering from breast cancer to reduce stress and feel relaxed.

At certain times in life, everyone feels blue, and it seems that everything is turning out badly. The feeling of sadness is normal but when you are suffering from a disease it will go worst. Women who are suffering from or diagnosed with cancer often struggle with intense feelings of fear, stress, and anxiety. These emotions negatively impact the sufferer's quality of life. As a person’s life is interrupted by panic and anxiety, relationships may suffer, a career can also be affected. So, people who have cancer may find the physical, emotional, and social effects of the disease to be stressful because they may take many kinds of medications, surgeries, therapies. People use different things to manage their stress. Some of them even start smoking or drinking alcohol. To avoid this many therapies, medications and exercises are suggested for cancer patients. Meditation is also one of the therapies to reduce stress and depression suggested to women suffering from breast cancer.

What is mindfulness meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is the way to train your mind against depression, fatigue, anxiety, and stress. Because it can restore your calm and inner peace. During meditation, you focus and eliminate the thoughts that are disturbing your mind and causing uneasiness and stress. This process enhanced your physical and emotional well-being and helps you to lead a happier life. 

How does mindfulness meditation work?

Here are few significant benefits of mindfulness meditation:

  • Meditation techniques help to sleep better.

  • Allow you to pay the attention at hand.

  • Reduces stress, as you figure out how to incorporate mindfulness throughout the day.

  • Helps to enjoy moments of your life.

  • Increases positive feelings and satisfaction in day-to-day existence

  • Helps to improve relationships

  • Helps to quit smoking

5 Best Mindfulness strategies that you should adopt

The strategies that women suffering from breast cancer should adopt are:

Accept yourself

This step involves:

  • recognizing the issues

  • accepting yourself despite the problems and issues

The first thing that you should do is to accept the way you are. It means to acknowledge each part of yourself unconditionally, deeply, totally, and without exception. Because it gives you more confidence in yourself and makes you feel less vulnerable to criticism.

Enjoy small pleasures

Appreciating the simple pleasures in everyday routine can enrich and make your life wholesome. Life is a collection of happy memories and small moments. Today in our world, we often attach happiness to only material things or big life events, but it also lives in the simplest of things. So, just try to feel pleasure in every moment because Happiness does not require much and that is the beauty of it.

Take a journey in your mind

Think about yourself at the ocean side or in a garden or in the mountains or any place you want. Just close your eyes and feel that you are there and enjoy every single moment. This technique helps a lot in relaxing your mind.

Practice self-compassion

Having self-compensation means connecting yourself in a forgiving manner, tolerating, and adoring when circumstances maybe not be exactly ideal. it is a positive attitude that you can have towards yourselves. Just try to do these three things whenever you’re not feeling well and being hard on yourself.

  1. Contemplate when things didn't go how you would have preferred, or when you felt like you said some unacceptable thing or messed up in some way. How could you feel? What were you telling yourself?

  2. if this thing happened to your dearest friend, what would you say to them?

  3. Try to say those things to yourself. Self-compassion implies dealing with yourself like you would treat your best friend.

Take time for mindful moments

Do the things that you like, go outside, watch movies, do some cooking or any of the hobbies you have or the things you like. Because through this you think about other things instead of worrying about the disease you have.

How to do mindfulness meditation

The things that you should do are:

Settle in

Find a quiet and comfortable place where you think you won’t be disturbed. Sit on a cushion or chair on whatever you feel comfortable with, sit up straight gently cross your legs if you’re on the floor. And if you are sitting on a chair, have the bottoms of your feet touch the floor with your upper arms at your sides.

Slow down and breathe

One of the great ways to start practicing mindfulness is to slow down and breathe. All you need to do is to sit down then close your eyes and breathe deeply. During this it might be possible other thoughts will pop up in your mind but that’s ok! Just bring your attention back.

Guide your focus

If you are a beginner your thoughts will inevitably wander, but that’s OK Whenever you become mindful of your psyche wandering, just notice the thoughts that are diverting you. Release it and tenderly get your mindfulness once again to your relaxing. At the point when your psyche wanders once more, don't get frustrated. This part of meditation constructs your care ability. The more you make it happen, the better you will get at being mindful outside of your meditation.

At the point when you are prepared, open your eyes, and look around. Before you move, notice your current circumstance, your thoughts, and how your body feels.

In life, due to certain events, your peace of mind becomes disturbed especially when a person is suffering from any disease. Breast Cancer is one of the diseases that destroy the mental health of women. There are many ways to restore your peace of mind. Mindfulness meditation is one of the ways to train your mind against depression, fatigue, anxiety, and stress.

Remember: this post is for informational purposes only and may not be the best fit for you and your personal situation. It shall not be construed as medical advice. The information and education provided here is not intended or implied to supplement or replace professional medical treatment, advice, and/or diagnosis. Always check with your own physician or medical professional before trying or implementing any information read here.


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