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How My Husband's Grumpiest School Picture Brings Me Joy Every Day
My my husbands grumpy school photo brings me everyday joy.
10 Gratitude Affirmations that will supercharge your day.
10 Gratitude Affirmations that will supercharge your day.
I spend a lot of time thinking about gratitude.
It is so easy to feel grateful when life is going your way. But what about days when the dog throws up, your car is out of gas, and you spill your morning coffee on yourself?
The truth is, if we can practice gratitude daily ( I write a page in my journal each morning about what I am grateful for. YOU are always on the list ), we can booster ourselves up for days when things are tougher.
Five Reasons Vacations Reduce Anxiety
One of the best things about a vacation is that it gives you something to look forward to. If you're feeling anxious or stressed, planning a trip can give you something positive to focus on. Having something to look forward to can also help you get through tough times. Read ahead to learn the other 4 reasons.
Three ways a breathwork practice supports a stress-reduced life
Breathwork is a simple breathing exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime. All you need is a few minutes and a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Once you're settled, simply close your eyes and focus on your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose, counting to four as you do so. Then, breathe out slowly through your mouth, counting to eight as you do so. Repeat this process for 10 minutes, or until you feel yourself starting to relax.
The Power of Gratitude on Anxiety
We all know that feeling of anxiety. That tightness in your chest, the racing heart, the feeling that something bad is about to happen. For some of us, anxiety is a constant companion. But what if we could simply ease our anxiety by practicing gratitude? Let's explore how gratitude can help relieve our anxiety and improve our overall wellbeing.
The effects of daily mindfulness practices on stress and anxiety. A case study.
The effects of daily mindfulness practices on stress and anxiety.
A case study on The Deep Center Blog.
Word on the street
“Kendall was absolutely amazing. She held my progress with such warm regard, and challenged me in such a warm and welcoming way. I truly enjoyed working with her!”
“Kendall was a wonderful coach. Her insights, feedback and help were exactly what I needed. She made me really think through how to address my issues, goals, vision and exactly what I wanted to achieve. I truly enjoyed having her as my coach!”
"I was nervous and excited to begin coaching. Kendall completely put me at ease. After working with her I feel empowered to create a life I am happy to live. I still use Tapping every morning!"