Squeezing the Juice: Breaking Free from the Chains of Self-Doubt and Embracing Your Dreams

I'll be the first to admit it: my life is pretty darn great. I have a thriving business where I help women realize their dreams. I have a loving marriage. I have my health. Yet, despite all these blessings, there was a time when I worried it wasn't okay to want more. I felt guilty for craving success, indulging in passions, and seeking a life of satisfaction. But you know what? The Universe - or God, or Your Higher Power, or whichever name you prefer - wants you to have all of it! To squeeze every drop out of life like a ripe, juicy lemon..

So, why is it that so many of us - especially women - feel undeserving of this heavenly citrusy delight? Sadly, society has conditioned us to feel unworthy, inadequate, and as if we should be grateful for the crumbs we receive rather than feasting like the queens we truly are. This, my friends, is an injustice we can no longer abide by.

To break this cycle, I present to you some humor-infused tips that’ll allow you to embrace yourself and your dreams without a shred of guilt:

1. Believe you deserve what you want: It may seem obvious, but many of us carry around an invisible sign that says, "I don't deserve anything better." Trash that sign, ladies. Replace it with a billboard declaring, "Just like Queen Bey, I deserve to run the world!"

2. Put yourself at the top of your list: Think of yourself as the star of your own movie - not a minor character in someone else's. Own the script, direct the scenes, and give yourself center stage. And while you're at it, don't just settle for an Oscar - demand an EGOT!

3. Schedule FUN (remember that?): It's time to reintroduce 'FUN' to your vocabulary. What's that, you ask? It's that thing you had before adulting took over. Find those activities that make you smile, laugh, and fill your soul up with bursts of joy. Schedule the fun like you schedule your dentist appointments - only this time, without the dread!

4. Pare down your schedule and get rid of things that aren't fulfilling: Prioritize, people! Life is short, and no one ever said, "I wish I had spent more time attending dull meetings." Cut the fluff and focus on what truly matters to your heart, your dreams, and your happiness.

There you have it; the keys to breaking out of the self-imposed cage that prevents many of us from fully embracing our dreams. I want you to know that you can achieve your big dreams – and you absolutely deserve to. So go on, take the leap, and prove to the world (and yourself) that nothing can hold you back from chasing your ambitions, no matter how big or small. It's high time we taste the sweet nectar of living the life we dare to imagine.

And remember: There's every reason for you to squeeze the juice out of life. Cheers!

If you have no idea how to squeeze the juice out and get more money, time, and creativity while reducing stress, book a session with me, and let’s get going!


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