My Social Media Detox: 5 Important Discoveries

Recently, I took on a 1-week social media detox on a family vacation and unplugged myself from all social media platforms. I embarked on the journey for several reasons- to regain my focus, reclaim my time, and re-center myself again. As someone who spends a lot of time managing social media accounts for my business, the idea of disconnecting entirely from my online presence felt like a daunting task. Nevertheless, it was an experience that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. In this blog, I'll take you through the five valuable things that I've learned from my social media detox experience.

I became aware of the negative impact of constant comparison. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are designed in such a way that it encourages comparison. Scrolling through other people's feeds filled with perfect pictures of their lives made me feel like I was missing out on life's best moments. When I took a break from social media, I realized that my life was good and I was on the right track. I learned to avoid the bad habit of comparing myself to others, and it freed me from unnecessary pressure.

I started focusing on self-improvement. When I became detached from social media, I had no source of distraction. I realized that I had extra hours that I could use to work on self-development. I spent more time on my hobbies, read more books, and worked on growing my business. It was liberating to break away from the routine of checking notifications every few minutes and channel my focus on things that matter to me.

My relationships improved. We often tend to use social media to connect with people instead of having face-to-face interactions. During my detox, I picked up the phone and called my friends and family more often. It was great to have meaningful conversations without any distractions.

I got more productive. As someone who runs their business, I had more time on my hands to work on other aspects of my business. The time I spent managing social media accounts for myself was put to better use. I was able to focus more on strategy development and planning the next steps to take my business to the next level. Plus, I created more time for my coaching clients.

I learned the importance of setting boundaries. One of the most significant realizations I had during my detox was the need to set boundaries with social media. Upon my return, I decided to allocate a specific time to check emails and interact with others on social media. I also decided to do a weekly check-in on social media instead of the impulsive multiple checks.

Taking a break from social media can be daunting, but the rewards are worth it. It gives you the needed space to reflect, improve, and be present. This experience for me was empowering, and I'm glad I went through it. It's safe to say that I won't go back to my social media addiction habits again. If you're looking to break free from the influence of social media, I encourage you to take the step and give it a go. You might be surprised how much growth you experience in thirty days of absence.


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