20 Journal Prompts For More Peace and Presence

Pro-Tip. Print on this page and put it with your journal. Each day, free write 1 prompt.

  1. If I could have one wish, it would be...

  2. The best part of my day was...

  3. One thing I'm grateful for today is...

  4. Today, I felt most peaceful when...

  5. One way I can show more compassion to others is by...

  6. One way I can show more self-compassion is by...

  7. One small act of kindness I can do today is...

  8. One thing that's been on my mind lately is...

  9. A worry I have is...

  10. One way I can let go of this worry is by...

  11. I am feeling stressed about...

  12. One way I can reduce this stress is by...

  13. A goal I have is...

  14. One step I can take to achieve this goal is...

  15. A positive memory from the past is...

  16. Something that makes me feel happy is...

  17. Something that makes me feel joyful is...

  18. Something that makes me feel loved is...

  19. In the present moment, I am feeling...

  20. Right now, I am choosing to focus on..."


How I accidentally stepped out of my comfort zone.


Tap Your Way to a More Present Life