New Year's Resolutions: A 6-Month Check-in on My Commitment to Quitting

Hello, my fellow perfectionist chicas! It's that time of the year again - we've reached our six-month milestone since we optimistically (over)committed to a New Year's resolution (or ten) for the umpteenth time. You know, the ones we swore we'd never make again. Ironic, isn't it?

The resolution train never runs out of steam for us Type A personalities, right? And I bet you're wondering how my steadfast commitment to no longer making resolutions is holding up. Well, jump aboard as we explore the shocking twists and turns of my 2023 resolution roller coaster ride.

Making a List and NOT Checking it Twice

Believe it or not, I started the year like a resolution rebel - a clean sheet of paper with no checklists or bullet points. Remember, my only resolution this year was to stop making them, which, in turn, was a resolution in itself. Talk about a paradox! Should I count that progress? We'll call it a win in the art of self-deception!

Life Without Targets

In the first few weeks, I was on cloud nine - floating along without mile-high goals overshadowing every moment. I indulged myself, basking in the light of spontaneous human existence. Until one day, the urge to chase after the elusive perfection rose up in my chest like the need to sneeze.

The Relapse: Resolution Reboot

Months into my commitment to stop making resolutions, my fingers started itching to create a new list. After all, perfection wasn't going to achieve itself. And so, I mindlessly (or mindfully?) dived into an ocean of uncharted goals with no set targets and gobbled them up like the overachieving shark I was born to be.

From organizing my winter closet ( yup, I have one ) to trying (and failing) to master the art of the daily walk, I was like a resolution-hoarding raccoon in a goal-grabbing superstore. Yet, I remained steadfast in my claim that my resolution-free commitment was still alive and kicking.

The 6-Month Verdict: A Perfectly Imperfect Balance

Here I am now, six months into my no-resolution resolution, and grinning like a Type A Cheshire cat in the face of my imperfections. And you know what? I've learned to cherish the hidden gems within all the goofs and clumsy moments in life.

So, I propose a new approach that will simultaneously feed our perfectionist cravings and nurture our souls: instead of focusing on the flaws we need to fix, let's celebrate the wonderful chaos that already exists in our lives.

Shoutout to my fellow resolution rebels: raise your non-alcoholic, calorie-counted mocktails and toast to another year of perfectly imperfect resolution-making (or not making)!

Remember, it doesn't matter how many resolutions you make (or break) as long as you keep looking for that silver lining, even when you're knee-deep in the hole-plugging life we Type A folks adore.

Stay quirky, my perfectly imperfect friends!

Your Fellow Perfectionist-in-Recovery,

Your Coach, Kendall Carriere 💜

P.S. If you need support launching your goals, work with me. Click here and explore all your options!


If I could put up a sign in Times Square


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