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The Strange Beauty of Closet Cleansing.
The Strange Beauty of Closet Cleansing
We’ve all been there - that moment when you open your closet and it’s overflowing with clothes, none of which you want to wear. It can be overwhelming and downright depressing. But here's the thing - cleaning out your closet isn't just a necessary evil, it can actually be an incredibly therapeutic experience. In this blog post, we'll discuss why cleaning out your closet feels so good and how it can help reduce anxiety.
The (not-so-obvious) Benefits of Belonging to Anxiety University™️
The benefits of joining our membership, anxiety university.
Easy breathwork to reduce the anxiety of cancer.
Easy Breathwork to Reduce the Anxiety that comes with a cancer diagnosis. New on the Blog.
Tea, Please! How tea can help with anxiety and breast cancer.
Tea has often been called the "elixir of life." It's no wonder, then, that tea has been used for centuries as a way to relax and rejuvenate. In recent years, science has begun to unlock the secrets of tea and its many health benefits. From reducing anxiety to helping navigate breast cancer, there are many reasons to incorporate tea into your daily routine. Let's take a closer look at a few of these benefits.
How to cope with the shock of a breast cancer diagnosis?
When you are told you have cancer, it is a shocking and overwhelming experience. For many women, the initial reaction is disbelief. It is hard to believe that this is happening to me. The feelings of shock and disbelief can be accompanied by a range of other reactions, including fear, anger, denial, and depression. It is important to allow yourself time to process these feelings and to seek support from family and friends. There are also many resources available to help you cope with a breast cancer diagnosis; like The Deep Center Online Studio. Here are some tips on how to cope in the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis.
Tapping | The Deep Center Way
If you're looking for a way to reduce stress, and anxiety, and increase joy, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is worth a try. Also known as "tapping," EFT is a simple yet effective method that can be done anywhere, anytime.
How to deal with Scanxiety
Cancer is a disease that destroys emotional and physical health. Sometimes this also leads to scanxiety also known as scan anxiety. So, what are the techniques to deal with the situation if someone is suffering from Scanxiety?
Word on the street
“Kendall was absolutely amazing. She held my progress with such warm regard, and challenged me in such a warm and welcoming way. I truly enjoyed working with her!”
“Kendall was a wonderful coach. Her insights, feedback and help were exactly what I needed. She made me really think through how to address my issues, goals, vision and exactly what I wanted to achieve. I truly enjoyed having her as my coach!”
"I was nervous and excited to begin coaching. Kendall completely put me at ease. After working with her I feel empowered to create a life I am happy to live. I still use Tapping every morning!"