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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

What Worry Does to Your Health: A Humorous Look

It’s no secret that worry can take a toll on the body. But how does it actually work? Let's take a look at how worry affects your health with a humorous twist.

The Power of Stress Hormones

As soon as you start worrying, your body releases cortisol and adrenaline, also known as stress hormones. These hormones increase your heart rate and blood pressure while decreasing the effectiveness of your immune system—not exactly helpful when you're trying to fight off an illness!

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Kendall Carriere Kendall Carriere

Can You Exercise with Breast Cancer?

Can You Exercise with Breast Cancer?

Yes, you can exercise with breast cancer! In fact, there are many benefits to exercise for breast cancer patients. Exercise can help reduce fatigue, improve your mood, and reduce your risk of recurrence. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before starting or changing any exercise routine.

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Word on the street

  • “Kendall was absolutely amazing. She held my progress with such warm regard, and challenged me in such a warm and welcoming way. I truly enjoyed working with her!”

  • “Kendall was a wonderful coach. Her insights, feedback and help were exactly what I needed. She made me really think through how to address my issues, goals, vision and exactly what I wanted to achieve. I truly enjoyed having her as my coach!”

  • "I was nervous and excited to begin coaching. Kendall completely put me at ease. After working with her I feel empowered to create a life I am happy to live. I still use Tapping every morning!"