2-5x Your Creativity

Have you ever felt like your creativity has dried up? Have you ever been stuck in a creative rut and can’t figure out how to get out of it? If so, then you’re not alone. Many busy, high-achieving women find themselves struggling to come up with new ideas, new solutions, and new ways of looking at the world. But just because you’re time-starved doesn’t mean that creativity has to suffer. In fact, a straightforward and effective tool can help you tap into your inner genius: EFT Tapping.

What is EFT Tapping?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique (also known as tapping). It is a type of energy psychology technique that involves tapping on specific points in the body while focusing on a particular issue or problem. By tapping on these points, it helps to release the blocked energy in the body, which can cause physical or emotional pain or distress. It also helps clear away negative thoughts and emotions that may prevent us from accessing our creativity.

How does EFT Tapping Help Enhance Creativity?

EFT tapping helps reduce stress levels by releasing blocked energy in the body, leading to improved mental clarity and focus. This improved mental clarity, and focus can help us access our creative potential more easily and allow us to come up with fresh ideas more quickly than before. Additionally, research has shown that EFT tapping does indeed improve cognitive performance, leading to enhanced problem-solving skills and increased creativity.

EFT Tapping is Easy To Practice!

The best part about EFT tapping is that it’s incredibly easy to practice once your learn from a certified EFT Practitioner, like Kendall Carriere. All you need is your own two hands—no tools necessary! You don’t even have to leave your house; all you have to do is find a comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes and start tapping away! With just a few minutes of practice each day, you could soon find yourself feeling more energized, inspired, and ready to get creative!

Ready for some creative inspiration? Learn how to properly Tap. It's easy for busy, high-achieving women like yourself to tap into their creative potential without taking extra time out of their already-packed schedules. Feel free to experiment with different techniques until you find one that works best for you--you never know what kind of extraordinary ideas await once those creative juices start flowing again!

Keep your practice going in our Group Coaching Membership, That Tapping Society. You will learn new techniques, monthly.


Tap Your Way to a More Present Life


EFT Tapping: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Purse.