Anxiety, Sex, and You: A Brief Guide

Anxiety can be a total buzzkill in the bedroom. If you’re experiencing anxiety, it can take a toll on your sex life—from libido to performance. It's a topic that isn't often discussed but is important to consider when it comes to maintaining a healthy sex life. Below we explore how anxiety affects your sex life and what you can do about it.

How Anxiety Affects Your Sex Life

For many people with anxiety, the fear of being judged or perceived as inadequate in bed can be paralyzing. This fear of judgment can lead to poor self-esteem and even lower libido. In addition, untreated anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, and stomach problems that may make it difficult for someone to enjoy sexual activities. For some people, this anxiety can manifest itself as erectile dysfunction or difficulty reaching orgasm. All of these symptoms can have an impact on both partners’ enjoyment of sex.

Dealing With Anxiety in the Bedroom

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms due to untreated anxiety, there are steps you can take to reduce their effects. First and foremost, talk to your partner about how you’re feeling so they understand how best to support you through this difficult time. Talking openly about anxieties and fears will also help strengthen trust between partners during sexual activities. In addition, seeking professional help from a therapist or coach who specializes in treating anxiety is highly recommended if your symptoms are causing significant disruption in your life or relationships. There are also lifestyle changes that may help reduce the effects of anxiety on your sex life such as exercise, deep breathing techniques, mindfulness practices such yoga or meditation, relaxation exercises like progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), and journaling about thoughts and feelings related to performance issues during sex. ( the online studio has all of these stress-busting practices.)

Untreated anxiety has a profound effect on our lives and our relationships—including our sex lives! But don't worry; there are many ways to address the issue so that we feel more at ease in the bedroom again! From talking openly with your partner about anxieties and fears to seeking professional help from a therapist or coach who specializes in treating anxiety, exploring different lifestyle changes such as exercise or deep breathing techniques are all great ways for us all to get back into enjoying sexual activities again! With some patience and effort on our parts, we'll get through this together!


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